GO Parents

Welcome! Here you will find links to help in parenting your kids general behaviour as well as discipling your kids' faith walk. We will add pages and resources over time.

Here is a great resource to get help with general parenting for your child. This page gives you many links to provide help with questions as well as several free sessions on training your children https://biblicalparenting.org

Looking for some courses online? These do come with a registration fee, but well worth the investment to help bring peace into your home as you learn to parent to the hearts of your kids and thereby help our kids to do the right thing due to internal motivation rather than out of fear of punishment.  https://biblicalparentinguniversity.com

A simple way to start family devotions: Focus on the Family - Start Family Devotion

This is a great resource for beginning to parent your children for faith. They offer a free course that walks you through how important your role as a parent is, and some easy practices you can start to begin to engage your children in life with God. https://www.parentingforfaith.brf.org.uk/

Looking for a bible suggestion? This one is amazing for kids and very interactive. Amazon.ca - Bible for Kids

Why Read the Bible Aloud as a Family - article

Are your kids online? Could they be at risk? There are real threats facing young people today. Watch Naomi Holland's "Parent Tech Talk" below from her time here at CLCC as she teaches techniques to keep your children safe while online. Protect their mental health (and yours).